Thursday, April 8, 2010

Save and Reload Podcast 7: Admiral Thor! (Now with fixed audio)

First off I would like to say that this podcast would not have happened if not for the incredibly awesome community member Tyler, he loaned me a mic without question after mine exploded, so that is why I sound different.

This week has the first ever 3 man podcast, and we spend most of the time answering listener questions for you guys, so we hope you enjoy them.

Download (fixed)

As it turns out there is an Admiral Eric Thor Olson, coincidentally I am not him.

The song is A Man's Gotta Do by Doctor Octoroc So go support him.

Want your questions in the next podcast? Ask them here.


  1. My favorite video game music experience by a long shot has to be the intro to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the Game Cube. It is excellent.

  2. Great podcast, you three are very interesting to listen to. Thanks for answering all of my questions! Ha ha! I didn't mean to make it sound like I was interrogating anyone, I just like to ask questions. Anyway, I've thought of a few more for next time if you guys would care to answer them.

    1. What is your opinion of ragdoll physics in games? More specifically, what do you think of games that rely on ragdoll physics, e.g. Sumotori Dreams?

    2. Do you guys plan to do review episodes? It sounds like you're working up to one with Sleep is Death, but I think that'd be very interesting. You could augment it with written reviews as well.

    3. In this podcast you mentioned that in games you like to look for a specific "hook" or innovation. What are some of these "hooks" in recent games that you can think of and what draws you to them?

    That's all for now, I don't want to barrage you guys again. I hope to hear the next podcast soon.

    - Jesse (My first name is Henry, I prefer Jesse, lol)
