Thursday, June 3, 2010

Save and Reload Podcast 15: The Laugh Track

Grant and Matt are here for this one, but we also got some guy off of the street to come participate. His name is Jesse and as it turns out he is the Community Manager for DestructoidSanFrancisco. He stops by and talks with us for a majority of the show, but has to leave to go do science. The rest of us then talk about which games you should play to get a crash course into indie games.

Grant made the picture for this episode (tell him it is good).

The song is Wing Beats by Wiklund.

If you want to hear Jesse on a more regular basis you can listen to him here.

As always comments and questions are always appreciated!

EDIT: I totally forgot to whore Matt out. His Gamertag is Juturna916.

1 comment:

  1. Street Fighter is an inferior game series to Guilty Gear... BlazBlue... and Melty Blood. Just sayin.

    Street Fighter is neutral poking the game... there is little to no metagame followed by more than simple inputs for lack luster combos. It is the slowest fighting game around. Melty Blood in comparison has 1 and 2 frame windows for certain links... most attacks are twice to three times as fast as street fighter.

    For a pick up and play game Super Smash Bros works better... and Marvel vs. Capcom or Tatsunoko or w/e is good too for those "I can button mash and still do stuff" games.
