Thursday, May 20, 2010

Save and Reload Podcast 13a and 13b: Fighter X/Chillcast

This week I got to talk with the boys of Fighter X (who have the patience of saints, Brad Pitt's smile, and Jesus' abs) and that makes up the first 15 minutes/side a. The rest of the show contains Grant and I just hanging out on the air (while still managing to be witty/pithy.


I bet you can guess who the music is by.

So did you guys like the casual nature of the show this week? We aren't terribly certain if we want to keep the show as formulaic as it has been in the past or if we want to make it slightly more casual (probably not so much as it was this week). We want to try something different next week, but we need you guys to tell us what it us you want us to talk about, something broad about video games that we can chat about for nearly a half an hour.

If you have any suggestions/comments, leave them in the comment section below.


  1. Woo Fighter X

    Lost Planet 2 seems like it's focused on multiplayer PvP stuffz and has forsaken it's single player mode. Mostly just the whole checkpoint thing.

    I think I shall write up a short review of Split/Second since I feel like the game deserves it.

  2. Upon closer inspection, Lost Planet 2's multiplayer has some problems, namely the fact that if you are rolling you are invincible.

  3. Thats not a problem... thats how you dodge things. Learn to abuse safe frames nub.

  4. Safe frames don't make sense when they last for 2-3 seconds, that is called sloppy game design.

  5. Are you kidding me? That game needs that kind of time to dodge multiple explosions... how else are you supposed to stand a chance against someone in that mech suit otherwise?
    Broken or not, I think there are plenty of things you can do that call balance into question more often than an intended dodge mechanism (like weapons). Just because you haven't figured out how to counter something yet doesn't mean it's OP as I've learned playing many other games (Armored Core For Answer and League of Legends).

    Seriously man I think the game is suffering from a lack of fun factor than anything else. It just seems more frustrating than it is rewarding.

  6. I didn't see any mech suits when I played. Also, the game sells itself with the slogan "Kill Big" so extending it into multiplayer shouldn't be a problem, mech suits would mean the team would have to work together to kill them.

    The problem with having safety frames are that they break immersion by definition.

    In the end I can agree that the game is stupidly frustrating.

  7. Safe frames don't "break immersion". Fighting games may not have the same kind of flinch feeling when you get hit... but dodging via reversals (aka special moves that have start up invincibility frames) is amazingly satisfying. Especially since you get to watch them eat your super.
    I think the dodgeroll is akin to that... except no attack comes out during the roll. I actually think being forced to roll to dodge an attack creates immersion if anything. Other games like Bayonnetta also have a dodge mechanic that actually is very integral to the game, Devil May Cry had jump dodges... Ninja Gaiden had dash dodges... It's interesting that they'd incorporate it into a 3rd person shooter. I'm not sure how they explain the invincibility.. except that they are wearing like powersuits of a sort.
