Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The E-mail I sent to Anthony Burch (now with an actual article attached)

EDIT: Here is something that I can pretend looks like Journalism attached to this e-mail.

So Anthony Burch has left the world of gaming journalism for good today. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but to me it has a monumental impact on the level of Superman dying. One year ago I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, and didn't get any real enjoyment out of anything. This seemed like a problem to me because I was leaving the world of high school and had to plan out the rest of my life. When I was asked by Counselors, friends, and family what it was that I liked doing I said “Playing video games,” out of what felt like obligation. Several months had passed and I was shown a silly web series called “Hey Ash Whatcha Playing.” I started watching this show whenever I had some extra time to kill. They released a podcast a few weeks later entitled HAWPcast. This piqued my curiosity as I figured it would be some more humorous takes on video games. This assessment was only partially right. What I found was one of the most painfully brilliant people I had ever heard. The more I listened to this man talk the more I realized that he was saying the things that I wasn't aware I was thinking, that I thought games were art, and how much I loved indie games.

I continued to revel in every little insight he brought, and waited each week for his podcasts so I could hear everything he had to say. It was at this time that I realized, for the first time in my life, that I had someone I looked up to; I had a hero. This man made me re-realize my childhood dream of becoming a games journalist. Since that time one year ago my passion for games has only increased as I sit around and think about video games and the theories that come along with them. I realized that without this man I would still be sitting around with no goals, no motivation, and no future. Anthony Burch has given me all of that. Today I have created my own humble gaming podcast and blog, which are being continually updated, and every day I work on improving both my skills as a journalist and my skills as a gamer.

So with this I wish Anthony Burch nothing but the best in everything that comes to him (and I know he won't need it) at his new job at Gearbox, and his upcoming wedding to Ashley Davis. It is my sincere hope that one day he will understand just how much he has done for the gaming industry as a whole, and for me personally.

Give them Hell Rev A.

The E-Mail:

I want to thank you for everything you have done for the gaming industry as a whole and me personally.

One year ago I had to choose where it was I wanted to go to college, and what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I had no idea about either of these things. The only real interest I had was in video games, and I had spent all of my life believing that video games were just a pastime in the real world, and that they wouldn't help me do anything. It was about then that I started hearing you talk in podcasts and Rev Rants, and it blew my mind. I was sitting at home and there was this guy on my computer who was saying that games were not only legitimate but he was talking about the exact feelings I had about games my entire life. You made me realize that I wanted to become a games journalist.
Several weeks ago I saw you talk at UC Berkeley and it inspired me to keep going on with my tiny little blog and unpopular articles. Since that time I have made strides in every area of my life to bring me closer to my newly realized dream of legitimizing games (Ebert be damned) and hopefully helping someone the way that you helped me.

I wish you nothing but the best of luck in everything that happens to you, and Congratulations on the engagement.

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. How touching *sniff*

    But now we'll have games that Anthony Burch contributed to! So it is a goodbye and a hello all in one. Such sweet sorrow...
